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Organic Herbicides & Pesticides [100% Organic]

Natural pest control - An aphid attacker

Many gardeners are becoming increasingly worried about the short and long-term effects of the agricultural chemical herbicides used to control pests food crops. Many respected scientists have linked certain cancers and other diseases to the use of non-organic herbicides. We have also witnessed a huge decline in insect populations, many of which (ironically) are pest controlling predators.

What can we do as keen, organic gardeners? Firstly, we need to cut down or even better, cut out the use of chemicals in the garden. I know that the easy option is to use cheap-as-chips slug pellets and to spray prized veg with insecticide. However, by doing so we are making things worse. By removing the natural pest controls (beneficial insects) that inhabit our gardens, we are only making the situation worst and unsustainable.

So, it’s all doom and gloom then? No, of course not! Here are some and organic, Natural pesticides for the vegetable garden and herbicides to protect your plants:

Natural herbicide treatments

Organic Pesticides

Mole repellant

Aphid treatments

Aphids are one of the most common pests in gardens during the summer months. They extract valuable plant sap and deposit honeydew on green growth. This, in turn often leads to fungal infections and other diseases. Both blackfly and greenfly are prolific reproducers. They can inflict serious damage in a very short period and encourage the spread plant viruses to the infested plants and other specimens.

Chafer grub killer

Chafer Beetle grubs, if they are left untreated, can inflict severe damage to lawns. The grubs overwinter deep in the soil ready to cause more damage the following spring. Lawns develop yellow patches where the roots have been eaten by the grubs of the Chafer Beetles. In severe cases, the roots are completely destroyed and the turf can be pulled up easily. Further damage may occur from birds and other animals as they ransack lawns looking for the grubs to eat.

During early summer, Chafer Beetles lay their eggs, deep within the turf. The eggs then develop into the dreaded Chafer grub. When fully grown, these grubs can cause carnage from Autumn to Spring. They are easily identified by their brown heads and white bodies. Chafer grubs can usually be found from early August.

Ants treatment

As small as they are, ants can rapidly ruin lawns, undermine plants and invade your home. There are many methods of organic control to try:

Caterpillar control

Caterpillars hungrily feed on the leaves of many flowers and vegetables. Their massive appetites can result in monumental damage in the garden.The more they eat, the larger they grow. The larger the grow, the more they eat!

Eliminating Red Spider Mite

Red Spider Mites attack conservatory plant and vegetable crops, including peppers, aubergines and cucumbers. They will rapidly weaken an infested plant. This will quite often result in the death of the plant as other infections can easily get a foot-hold. Red Spider Mites are hard to eradicate as they are good at building up resistance to chemical treatments.

Win the war on Slugs & Snails

Slugs and snails are on the top of my list for being the most destructive pests in my garden. I dread damp weather – the time in which slugs and snail are most active. During the day and dry weather, they hide in the soil. There can be as many as 200 slugs per square meter of soil. 1000’s of slugs and snails can be removed before you notice any difference. I would suggest trying a combination of methods:

Closing thoughts

Whichever method we adopt to control pests and weeds in our garden, we always need to consider the welfare of other species. Are we depriving them of valuable food or harming them in any other way? If we are, how can reassure them to return to our gardens?

I would like to encourage any of our readers to make other weed and pest control suggestions or success stories in the comments box below.

Natural pest control / herbicide resources

For more information and advice on organic natural pest control, please visit the following online resources:

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