Everything you need to make the best of your garden and keep it in good condition
Discover how companion planting for pest control can protect your UK garden naturally. Learn which plants repel pests, deter rats, and boost vegetable growth in this eco-friendly guide.
Get on top of that powdery mildew from your squashes with a simple and organic solution that you are bound to have in your kitchen cupboard.
I have tested copper tape to protect my plants from slug and snail attacks. Here is what I have found so far.
A gardeners guide to how and when to prune roses to get the most out of your blooms.
A simple guide to sowing seeds with the absolute beginner in mind. You don't need green fingers, just follow these steps.
Advice on deadheading (the removal of spent flowers) for most annual and perennial plants. Encourage more flower production.
Preserve your gladioli varieties season after season with expert tips on storing gladioli overwinter in a frost-free environment.
Grow plants and vegetation in your garden? Remember that good topsoil means good growing. For plants to thrive - topsoil is essential.
Organic methods for avoiding the dreaded potato blight which will turn your potatoes into a black mush unless quick treatment.
Hedges, Fences and walls can all serve similar purposes – marking and maintaining boundaries, keeping children or pets contained or to provide a greater sense of privacy. It is fair to say we are a little biased! But here are some good reasons for choosing a hedge.Hedges have greater ‘kerbside appeal’ offering beauty and interest in all seasons while softening the lines of buildings making houses look more in keeping with their gardens.
A complete guide on taking hardwood cuttings from your favourite shrubs and trees. How to raise each cutting and get a better yield.
What's the best method for warming soil? The temperature of soil is an important factor for yielding a productive and early crop. Warm soil will speed up the growing process and give you a head start this Spring.
Dahlia are tender perennials and must be protected from hard frosts. Here is a guide to storing Dahlia tubers during the coldest winter months and an answer to the question: can you leave dahlias in the ground over winter?
A complete guide to storing and overwintering begonia tubers in the UK. How to store Begonias over winter & why you should bother.
My soil is poor and incredible dry at all times in the year. Using this gardening method, I can add so much colour to what was once and unyielding patch of ground.
I decided to walk the talk and initialise a 'no-dig' policy for the rest of my plot. Instead, I have been leisurely 'hoeing' the ground since February and the results are amazing.