Add a splash of the tropics to your garden this year with this hand-picked selection of flowering plants with a theme. They will add plenty of colour and interest to your garden this summer containing a mixture of tubers/bulbs, annuals and perennial plants.
Bring a touch of the tropics to your garden!
My list of tropical garden flowers will compliment my Tropical hardy plants, posted last November. Some of these plants aren’t actually from the tropics, but will add a ‘paradise’ feel to any garden.
Annuals/Biennial Flowers
- Geranium ‘Pink Meteor’
- Lavatera ‘Twins’
- Amaranthus ‘Joseph’s Coat’
- Ammi visnaga
- Cleome spinosa ‘Colour Fountain Mixed’
- Echium fastuosum
- Eremurus stenophyllus ‘Cathedral Mixed’
- Gazania ‘Talent Mixed’
- Mina lobata
- Mirabilis ‘Yellow and Red Marbles’ – Marvel of Peru
- Ricinus ‘Impala’
Tropical Perennials/Shrubs
- Dichondra argentea ‘Silver Falls’
- Echinacea ‘Double Decker’
- Datura metel Black Current – Angel’s Trumpet *
- Brugmansia suaveolens Angel’s Trumpet *
- Eryngium ‘Blue Lace’
- Banana Musa *
- Strelitzia – Bird of paradise *
- Abutilon malvaceae *
- Agapanthus ‘Headbourne Hybrids’
- Agave – Century Plant *
- Alstroemeria
- Asarina scandens ‘Jewel Mixed’ *
- Belamcanda iridaceae ‘Leopard Lily Mixed’
- Cyperus papyrus *
- Feijoa sellowiana – Fruit salad bush – guava-flavoured fruit!
- Banksia hookeriana – Australian Honeysuckle *
- Lapageria rosea – Chilean Bell Flower *
- Lewisia
- Lobelia cardinalis ‘Queen Victoria’ *
- Oenthera ‘Lemon Sunset’ – Evening Primrose
- Phormium ‘Rainbow Striped Hybrids’
- Canna indica *
- Passiflora – Passion Flower
- Sandersonia aurantica
- Tropaeolum speciosum – Flame Flower
- Brugmansia sanguinea *
* Some of the above tropical garden flowers require some level of protection in the winter. The may mean that you grow your specimen in a containing and bring it into a frost-free environment during the winter months.